These is a brief update, in relation to our upcoming show this Thursday, 12:00 pm EST, October 28. (Please see the previous post.) Please share with everyone you know, and let's support our truckers in struggling to find safer places in which to take their well-deserved breaks!
I just had a wonderful phone conversation with Jason's wife, Hope, and she mentioned her concern over the closing of rest areas in New York, leaving truck drivers with even fewer safe choices for safe parking. She mentioned this peaceful protest event, and I wanted to pass it on.
In support of Jason's Law ..... Jason Riverburg .... his surviving family, and all the truckers out there needing safer places to park:
New York is set to shut down 10 rest stop areas, at a time when there is already a shortage of rest areas for our truckers to take their very much needed breaks.
There will be a peaceful protest next Monday, November 1, 2010 ..... at the Schodack rest area in NY off I 90. We are just asking the truckers to please come and take there 10 hr break there to show DOT and the elected officals that these rest areas are so very important to everyone.
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