Friday, August 21, 2009


I visited one of my favorite social groups this morning. One post stood out. This member was sadly sharing the news of, yet another, innocent bystander in critical condition after being shot in a drive-by shooting. This young 13 year-old girl was riding her bicycle, and just happened to be riding by when the shooting occurred. The member asked within her post, and I quote, "Why is it that we have gotten to the point where life seems to be just so unimportant? Are we as a people so selfish and self centered that we don't even consider the consequences of our actions?". End of quote.

So many thoughts ran through my mind and I responded with just a few of my thoughts. Another member commented on my response, and suggested that I blog my response. And so, we have my blog entry for today.

I think our situation today is due to many factors. I believe it has to do with the fact that we are literally hanging ourselves with the interpretation of our rights, both God given and constitutionally given. Here is only a few examples of where I'm coming from.

I love the right to freedom of speech but abhor the violence, language ... and overall messages being delivered in movies, songs, TV & video games. I love our religious freedoms, but I am furious that in our celebration of everyone's belief and ideology, many of us are now not allowed to pray in schools or business meetings. It's now politically correct to say "holiday tree" instead of "Christmas tree".

In respecting others views on marriage, divorce and sexuality, we have become a nation where it is accepted as normal that 50% of mariages will fail ... and do ...(2007 statistics- It's common place for men to have fathered children with several women, with no regard to the welfare of the children. And, in fairness, many women have that same attitude.

There is so much more to this equation, and stay tune ... I'll probably will be sharing my opinion on the other factors very soon, as is my nature.

I just think we need to step back and take a look at where we are and where we had rather be, and then start joining forces to make this a better world. Notice I didn't say go back to a better time. There were times that were simpler with no media or technology, but those weren't necessarily better times for individuals. Obviously the 60's were times of turmoil ... and so it goes.

No, I think that "better times" should start today. And it starts with some good old fashion standards of morality, integrity and family.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Power of Twitter!

I am completely amazed at the power of Twitter. The spectrum of people that you find tweeting back and forth is remarkable. Believe me, when Theresa - S1's Director of Finance - asked me if I was on twitter - I knew what a powerful tool this really is. If you knew Theresa and her lack of web-based marketing knowledge, you would understand. Needless to say, she was very happy to see that I am happily tweeting away.

Through my tweeting I have connected with amazing "tweeple" from all walks of life - and enjoy sharing information with them daily. My internet was down for a few days a week or so ago and twitter was what I missed the most. Part of the time I was able to use my Blackberry to tweet - but then the router also went out - so I was up cheese creek without a cracker!

As wonderful as twitter is - the most amazing result has been the "birth" of Three Wise Girls - @DebbieBarth @lindaalexander and me - @Dori_S1_Bags - these are our twitter names so please connect with us there and follow along.

We will be coming to BlogTalkRadio this October and hope to share with you our experiences as women growing businesses, writing books, raising a family and all the special challenges that it entails.

That's all for now...just keep tuning in...tweeting along and once we hit the airwaves...listening in. We are Three Wise Girls who are ready to take the world by storm...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

You've heard it every where else, and you are going to hear it here as well. Michael Vick is now "flying with the Eagles" To say that "feathers are being ruffled" is an understatement.

I'm still not convinced that he is sorry for the hideous criminal acts he committed or just sorry that he got caught and had to pay a price for it. So far, the only atonement I've seen has been court-ordered atonement. And, I'm not so sure the humble words tumbling out of his mouth are coming from his heart, or from a carefully scripted speech drawn up by his lawyers.

His case and the annoucement of his conditional reinstatement is now being compared by some with the Donte Stallworth incident. Donte is a wide-receiver for the Cleveland Browns. He has recently been placed on a one year suspension by the NFL for his part in a DUI vehicle manslaughter case. Donte will also be spending 30 days in jail, last I heard. There are those who feel that Vick is being treated unfairly in comparison with the light sentence that Stallworth received. I whole-heartedly agree that Stallworth got off incredibly easy. I understand that Stallworth took a life due to his drinking and driving. I think the laws should be a heck of lot tougher. However, to say what Donte did is worse because it is a human and that a dog's life is less important frosts my butt! Yep, I said the "butt" word.

In my opinion, animals are beautiful creatures sent from God. Dogs at least are said to have the mental capacity for understanding words of a two-year old child. Given the right loving home, they are warm, caring and nurturing animals. They are living beings, just as we are. The big difference is that they are trusting animals who depend on us for their safety and well-being and give so much back in return.

My thoughts are this. Stallworth did intend on going out and drinking that night. He did intend on drinking and partying all night. And, he did intend on driving home without any reservations. And, he's probably done the very same thing numerous times. However, I don't believe that he also intended to take a life that last fateful night. Again, just for the record, I absolutely think that the light sentence he got was ludicrious.

My point is this. Michael Vick knew of ... and according to official court documents ... did take part in the torture of animals on his property which included the hanging of dogs, the drowning of dogs, and the electrocution of dogs. This wasn't one time ... but time and time again! He intended for these actions to talk place over and over again. This wasn't a one-time bad decision with consequences he would regret later. This was a repeated horrendous criminal act.

Now, admittedly, I am not the most forgiving person on the earth. But I do know that time will tell the real Michael Vick story and, at the end of the day, the real Michael Vick will step forward. I will also admit that he will not have an easy time of it and that there are people out there that will scrutinize everything he does. One false move, could mean jail time again. And let's face it, the Eagles are not doing this out of love...they are doing it out of greed. If the new Vick doesn't perform on the football field like the old Vick, he will not be around publicly for us to judge, one way or another.