Monday, August 24, 2009

Three Wise Girls, BLOG Talk Radio, & Rorschach ... & Pam Archer

Ha ha ha ha ha ... I'm laughing so hard right now. Can't stop. Here I was, reading and re-reading, and reading again, Pam Archer's reply to my post, "Are You A Wise Girl?" She asked, "By the way, what is Blot Talk Radio?" and I kept thinking, "Hmmm ... surely Pam knows that it's BLOG Talk Radio and definitely knows what it is."

You dum-dum, Linda!!!! I just read my post yet again. Blot Talk Radio ... to answer your question, Pam, I guess that's where we give the Rorschach Test to our guests to see what they see--and if we can see the same thing. Clearly, our friends are seeing what's right ... and Linda needs a new pair of glasses. Or maybe just a brainwave test to see if they're really still working.

Oh Linda, how senile can we get?!


  1. WOW, maybe we could work this into a show, I mean ... maybe we could do a brainwave test on you LIVE ... on the show.

    Hey, it's just a thought.

    Debbie B

  2. Heck, I'm game. You figure out a way to do it & I'll be the guinea pig. You won't find anything, anywho. . . .

  3. Hey, I've got a great marketing idea! How about distributing brainwave tests to your listeners. I'd sign up for one right away because I could swear the my synapses are misfiring a lot lately!

  4. Eileen: That's a great idea! We'll have to file that in, "to be figured out" & then get it going. What a hoot! I'd love it.
